Friday, December 23, 2011

1/2 way there..

Level 25 last night, after finishing up most of the Nar Shaddaa quests. The class quest line for the Sith Warrior is definitely picking up, and in addition to extra companions - I'm even starting to gather some minions in my rise to power! Nothing like having a Sith Lord to do my bidding in the future..<insert evil laugh>

Not sure where to go to get my mount training - hopefully there is a place right on Nar Shaddaa. I am anxious to finally use my Collector's Edition STAP. 

Finally, starting to feel like I am getting the flow of the Sith Warrior. I still have a lot of tweaking to do in my rotations, but I'm seeing more and more of the potential within the class.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Launch Day!

Well, I can't believe it's finally here - LAUNCH DAY! 

After watching the progress on this game since it was initially announced, playing in beta and early access, all I can say is: Congratulations to BioWare! They have got big shoes to fill, but I'm confident that they have the talent and drive to make this game a success! It's just the beginning and I'm sure the best is yet to come.

As for an update to my characters: I had a busy weekend. Raige is level 23 now. I got the spaceship, 3 companions and I am currently in "new" content for me - Nar Shaddaa. The Sith Warrior's story line has definitely picked up a bit and it looks like I'm being setup for a "final" confrontation with a Jedi Master. Can't wait to see how all this plays out!

Oh yeah - CE pics!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Run, Forest, Run!

Ding! Level 14 last night - and with that, finally, the sprint ability. Got about 1/3 - 1/2 way through the Dromund Kaas quest lines - should be able to finish them up tonight and finally get my ship! It'll be nice to be able to do the space combat missions again, those were fun in the Beta.

Outside of game play, the one concern that I see going forward is the queue. While playing last night, a lot of people were finally getting in after a 30-40 minute wait in the queue. If that continues, or gets worse (especially after the 12/20 launch), BioWare is going to have to come up with a plan to address the issue. At the moment, they are continually releasing new servers - but for those Early Game Access players who have already invested a lot of time in their characters, they are stuck. The only options seem to be: Re-roll on a less populated new server, or fight the queues to continue their existing characters. Neither option seems ideal - but until BioWare announces a fix, that's the way it's going to be for the next few weeks.

Otherwise, looking forward to busting open my CE tonight!

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Thursday, December 15th, 2011. 3:39PM. 

Your order of "Star Wars: The Old Republic Collectors Bundle" has shipped. Your estimated delivery date is: Friday, December 16th, 2011. 

<insert Funky Monkey Booty Dance>

Raige, The Merciless!

Started late, but I was able to accomplish a few things on Raige last night -

• Hit Level 12 (just barely)
• Finished out all the quests on Korriban - and found all the datacrons!
• Ran Black Talon
• Picked my Advanced Class - Juggernaut
• Freed my Twi'lek companion Vette from her shock collar (even after my Merciless title, hmm...getting soft?)
• Picked my crew skills - Synthweaving, Archaeology & Underworld Trading
• Sent Vette on several trade missions, just to see how that works, and gained a few skill points in my crafting skills. Was under the false impression that I could queue missions up while I was away, but after a little research this morning, figured out that queues just work for crafting items.

Anxious to get my ship now, and being able to send that silly robot off to do my bidding..

Plan for tonight? More Raige! Apparently there are a couple more datacrons near the starting area for Dromund Kaas - I'll grab those and get going on the world quests.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Day One!

Well, got home from work and after a quick dinner, I jumped right into my first day of SW:TOR!

Just a few details:

Server: Lord Praven, West Coast Server, PvE

Surprisingly, I jumped right in - with no queue (unlike the beta). I started off creating the first character in my plan -

Raige, Female Cyborg, Sith Warrior. I tooled around Korriban, and got her to level 9, finishing all of the initial class quests and most of the secondary quests. I still need to do the heroic ones, but since I also picked up her Twi'lek companion, I think I am going to try to solo those before heading to the Fleet. 

I have to admit, the class quests were very similar to the Sith Inquisitor - the only change seemed to be a kinder, gentler approach with the "overseer" vs. the hostile relationship the Inquisitor starts with their initial task master. The story just doesn't seem as dark as the Inquisitor - but considering that the Inquisitor was probably modeled after the Emperor from the movies, I don't know that anything can be as dark as that story line.  

Of course, the quest locations were the same - with the only difference being in what needed to be clicked and picked up in the tombs. Retrieving the Twi'lek companion was also no where near as "epic" as the Inquisitor - it was simply, go pick her up from the cells in the Academy. Perhaps it was just familiarity from the beta, but I really hope the story picks up on the Warrior side soon...

Right before bed-time, I took the time to also create my Imperial Agent character - Stig, a male human. The 5 minutes that I spent playing him, didn't really give me a chance to explore the story line - but I do see some initial potential.

So the plan for tonight? Finish Korriban with Raige and maybe even get enough commendations to get the nice chest piece, find a group for Black Talon and then head to Dromund Kaas and figure out my crew skills. After that, probably jump back on Stiq and see about getting a few more levels with him. And oh yeah, take a few screenshots to post here!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Grace Period Update

Just checked my Amazon order for the CE of SWTOR - and - Hooray!! The order listed an updated delivery date of 12/20. Looks like I will be good to go for launch day!!

Your Saga Begins...

5:24 AM. I received my email indicating that early access has begun. Unfortunately, I have to wait another 12-14 hours ( before I can actually start playing...

Monday, December 12, 2011

Just One More Day!!

Getting pretty amped up about early access. Here's the game plan once I get in:

1. Find a mid-volume server (We'll see how well that works, LOL) - PST Time Zone
2. Setup 3 characters, as previously mentioned - hopefully the names are still available.
3. Pick a character to start leveling!!

Did lots of reading over the weekend regarding SWTOR. Found a cool little hack that allows you to level a noob character from 1-4 in like 5 mins (go to the fleet and check in with all the skill trainers), but since I will most likely be starting on Korriban, the hack doesn't apply (the only location where the hack doesn't work effectively). I've read that BioWare actually nerfed the XP requirements for 1-10 so it's not that big of a deal anyways..

Also lots of updates from Stephen Reid (@rockjaw) regarding various items - but still no definitive answers on the product codes arriving in the US before the official launch on 12/20. In what I thought was going to be one of the smoothest launches ever for an MMO - the situation is rapidly turning into a potential PR mess. Even BioWare co-founder Ray Muzyka tweeted over the weekend regarding the situation:

We hear you & are taking the grace period issue very seriously. We’re looking at all our options.

I just hope they come to an effective resolution, and soon! Time is getting short...

Friday, December 9, 2011

Grace Period Controversy

The Great Grace Period Controversy

Didn't realize that they had changed removed the grace period. Unless BioWare works out something soon with the respective retailers, this could mean a TON of unhappy customers - including me!!

Character Considerations

In the two weekends of beta that I played, I started both a Sith Inquisitor and a Jedi Knight. I leveled the Inquisitor (Sorcerer) to level 22 and the Knight to level 5. The Inquisitor was a lot of fun to start, but as I progressed and starting doing more group quests - I was often asked to heal. Bleck! The way the Inquisitor is structured, especially on the Sorcerer side - I just don't see much patience in peeps accepting the Sorcerer as a pure DPS class.

So...with the break between the beta and go-live, I've been doing a lot of thinking about the character class(es) that I want to play when the game goes live. After my Beta experience, I know that I definitely want to play on the Empire side, but other than that - here's the plan so far:

Sorcerin - Male Sith Pureblood Inquisitor - Still not sure whether or not I want to go Assassin or Sorcerer

Raige - Female Cyborg Sith Warrior - Probably Juggernaut

Sofaking - Bank Alt - Male - Twi'lek - Agent?

Welcome to Man Vs. Tor!

With just 4 days to go before my expected invite into the early access of Star Wars: The Old Republic, I thought that I would start a blog to document some of my adventures in the new online game. For those of you internet wanderers who happen to stumble upon this site - Welcome!