Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Day One!

Well, got home from work and after a quick dinner, I jumped right into my first day of SW:TOR!

Just a few details:

Server: Lord Praven, West Coast Server, PvE

Surprisingly, I jumped right in - with no queue (unlike the beta). I started off creating the first character in my plan -

Raige, Female Cyborg, Sith Warrior. I tooled around Korriban, and got her to level 9, finishing all of the initial class quests and most of the secondary quests. I still need to do the heroic ones, but since I also picked up her Twi'lek companion, I think I am going to try to solo those before heading to the Fleet. 

I have to admit, the class quests were very similar to the Sith Inquisitor - the only change seemed to be a kinder, gentler approach with the "overseer" vs. the hostile relationship the Inquisitor starts with their initial task master. The story just doesn't seem as dark as the Inquisitor - but considering that the Inquisitor was probably modeled after the Emperor from the movies, I don't know that anything can be as dark as that story line.  

Of course, the quest locations were the same - with the only difference being in what needed to be clicked and picked up in the tombs. Retrieving the Twi'lek companion was also no where near as "epic" as the Inquisitor - it was simply, go pick her up from the cells in the Academy. Perhaps it was just familiarity from the beta, but I really hope the story picks up on the Warrior side soon...

Right before bed-time, I took the time to also create my Imperial Agent character - Stig, a male human. The 5 minutes that I spent playing him, didn't really give me a chance to explore the story line - but I do see some initial potential.

So the plan for tonight? Finish Korriban with Raige and maybe even get enough commendations to get the nice chest piece, find a group for Black Talon and then head to Dromund Kaas and figure out my crew skills. After that, probably jump back on Stiq and see about getting a few more levels with him. And oh yeah, take a few screenshots to post here!

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